Blog & Social Posts

Time for the big reveal…

Time for the big reveal…

OK, time for the big reveal.  The solar aperture presented in the Solar Pathfinder and Sun Seeker app images show that nine months out of the year just past 2:00 pm solar time the existing tree cover will block the sun's rays from hitting this home. Which means...

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We begin with a solar assessment…

We begin with a solar assessment…

At AR every project, including remodels, we begin with a solar assessment- even ones that already have solar modules incorporated. Our clients for a current project in Bloomfield Township have already taken the step towards an all-electric future with the installation...

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As a follow up to our post from yesterday…

As a follow up to our post from yesterday…

As a follow up to our post from yesterday, why is reducing the use of concrete important? Because the creation of cement–the "glue" that holds concrete together–is one of the most carbon emission intensive materials we use in construction. Concrete is so widely used...

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One of the exciting things for any of our clients

One of the exciting things for any of our clients

One of the exciting things for any of our clients is when their projects achieve final green certification: be that Michigan GreenStar, NAHB NGBS, DOE NZER, USGBC LEED, Phius Passive House, or Living Building Challenge. Each of these programs, which we have delivered...

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And now for the big reveal.

And now for the big reveal.

OK and now for the big reveal. Drum roll please… the correct answer is: Rainscreen Assembly. Yes, what you are seeing is the supporting infrastructure for a pressure-equalized rainscreen water management wall assembly. It might come as a shock to some, but the siding...

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OK you Architectural Sherlocks out there- Pop Quiz! 

OK you Architectural Sherlocks out there- Pop Quiz! 

Our whole-house remodel and second floor addition for Jeff and Izzy is really coming together nicely! OK you Architectural Sherlocks out there- Pop Quiz! What are those wooden members forming the “lattice” on the sides of the house? First prize goes to the person who...

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Continuing our post regarding water conservation

Continuing our post regarding water conservation

In California AB 1572–adopted by the legislature this past year and scheduled to take effect in 2029–prohibits home owner associations from using potable water to irrigate any non-functional turf. One of the exciting alternatives to conventional turf grass is...

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All politics are local

All politics are local

It is said that all politics is local, well maybe all conservation is local too. In Southern California, where dwindling water resources have elevated water conservation to heightened levels of awareness, it is not uncommon to see signs like this outside of businesses...

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